About Us
Welcome to St. Boniface Catholic Primary School
At St. Boniface, we encourage each of our pupils to excel within our very caring community; where the standards are high and our expectations are consistent and clear.
These expectations apply not only to our children but also to our staff, as we strive to develop the best possible learning environment for the children entrusted to our care.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite all interested parents to come and have a look around the school; you would be most welcome. Children who are not baptised Catholics are also very welcome to apply to our school.
Please take the time to have a look through the school website. I am confident that you will find St. Boniface a warm, caring and nurturing school which provides the high quality teaching and learning in an atmosphere which puts the child at the centre of every activity.
Together, we aim to make all areas of the school environment both lively and happy;a place where children can learn in a positive Christian atmosphere. Our dedicated staff arrange and plan the curriculum in such a way that children are well motivated and enjoy being at school. Our school climate that is founded on our core values of love, honesty, community, faith, respect and value/self-worth. These are promoted and every member of our school community is encouraged to aspire, believe and achieve.
Together, we expect the highest standards from our children and we celebrate their success on a continual basis with pupils and parents alike. Our aim is to work in partnership with parents/guardians, ensuring the best possible education provision for our children.
Every good wish
Stella Groarke
Head Teacher