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Parents, Schools and Local Authorities share the legal responsibility of ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive full-time education (Education Act). In order for us to carry out these responsibilities, children need to attend school regularly and on time each day. We therefore ask your help in ensuring that your child comes to school each day and on time (school opens at 8:45am).

Over the last term, attendance has improved.   Staff and governors are most grateful to parents/carers for their continued co-operation and support in this matter. However, our attendance is still below the national average.  Please help us to reach our Attendance Target of 96%.

Reporting absence

If your child is not able to attend school through illness or some other unforeseen circumstance on a school morning, it is your (parent/carer’s) responsibility to contact school before 9.15am to let school know. However, if you are delayed at home or you oversleep please do not keep your child off for the whole day, please bring your child to school as soon as possible.

In line with our Safeguarding and Attendance Policies any child whose reason for absence is not known by 9.15am is a cause for concern and school will text to find the reason. If school is not given a reason for absence then the absence will be considered unauthorised. Five or more unauthorised absences will ‘attract’ the attention of the Local Authority and you could be liable to a fine.

Parents should keep all appointments medical/dental etc outside of school time, however when this is not possible, Parents and Carers are asked to bring the appointment card to school, so we have information regarding the absence from school. Children should only be out of school for the duration of the appointment, ie they should come into school before and after the appointment. They should be signed out and signed back in at the school office.

Term time holidays

Since September 2013, Head teachers are not allowed to grant holidays during term time.  It is recognised that there may be other circumstances in which your child requires absence from school eg family wedding or funeral.  To seek authorisation for absence in these circumstances please complete a  form from the school office.


Punctuality is extremely important.  Literacy and Maths lessons take place in the mornings.  Please ensure that your child comes to school on time.  If they regularly miss the beginning of lessons, children will struggle with the rest of the lesson and the class will be disrupted whilst they catch up.

Attendance %

The table below shows the impact that just a few days off in a year has on a child's overall % attendance.

Attendance Legislation Notice

A flowchart is available below to demonstrate this process.