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Health and Wellbeing

Our Designated trained Lead for Mental Health is Mrs Kynaston and she is well supported in this role by our whole staff family. Miss Campbell, as our family liaison officer, leads on pupil wellbeing and family support.  We work towards everyone feeling emotionally secure and resilient to deal with life's ups and downs

Social wellbeing and the ability to build positive healthy relationships, be respectful and caring is vital. Miss Campbell supports this in school through her work with families.  Our curriculum is designed to support our children develop resilience and understand the importance of their own health and wellbeing; the health and relationships curriculum and key gospel values are interwoven through all learning. Staff build good relationships with children and parents and this is demonstrated by the strong community we have established.  We rely on, and are there for, each other. 

We are all put on this Earth to fulfil God's mission and be who God wants us to be. We each have the responsibility to open our hearts and minds to the role we are intended to play. We can only truly be happy when we are working and living together for God. To do that successfully, we need to take care of the bodies God has given us and be respectful of each other. At St Boniface's we try to take care of everything that makes us like Jesus Christ and fully human.

The church teaches us that we should look after the needy. It is good for our wellbeing to help others. We actively support a range of charitable work; fundraising and community work is an integral part of our curriculum. 

Life is not always happy. When situations arise, emotions are triggered; sadness, worry, guilt or anger are some of the emotions our children need to recognise. Once we know how we are feeling, we can make better choices.   We use Myhappymind in school to learn how to keep ourselves calm and react appropriately in the present moment. Emotionally aware people deal well with life and are resilient. 

If you wish to know more about Myhappymind, please visit their website:

We must look after and respect the bodies that God gave us. By making healthy food choices and with daily exercise we can be the best we can be. Physical activity and understanding good nutrition is of utmost importance in our curriculum.  

We are spiritual. We have have places around school for quiet reflection. Reflection is part of our daily practice; this is through whole school worship, group and class opportunities. The children understand the importance of growing closer to God.

If you require any support linked to mental health and wellbeing please contact Mrs Kynaston or Miss Campbell.  

Please see the links below for advice and support. 

Childline – 0800 1111

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline – 0800 800 5000

Salford Family Hubs

CALM - Campaign Against Living Miserably - Freephone or webchat (5pm until midnight) everyday - for those who are anxious, worried, unhappy or lonely - 0800 585858

Samaritans - 116 123 open 24 hours a day

Right Lines - online support if you or someone you know is self-harming 

Young Minds - for young people wanting advice & information about mental health & wellbeing. Parents/Carers helpline 0808 802 5544

BEAT - the UK's eating disorder charity. For anyone affected by an eating disorder or anyone supporting them 

FRANK - drugs helpline - 0300 123 6600 or text 82111

Papyrus - the UK's charity for the prevention of young suicide - 0800 068 4141.  9am to 10pm weekdays, 2pm to 10pm weekends. 

SHOUT - text service offered by Crisis 85258