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Religious Education

RE at St Boniface


It is the aim of St. Boniface’s to provide opportunities for all children to learn and to achieve. The school curriculum aims to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We aim to promote their self-esteem and emotional well-being and to help them form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and others. Through our teaching of RE, we aim to explicitly develop the knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith but to also develop tolerance and respect for the different cultures and beliefs within our own community and society. All of our learning celebrates the Gospel values and virtues of the Catholic church which is incorporated into all areas of school life


We use planning provided by the ’Come and See R.E’ programme, following the guidelines set out by the Diocese of Salford for the teaching and assessing of R.E. The programme provides ‘ideas’ for lessons which enable pupils to progress through each topic, year on year at an age appropriate age level. Each child is assessed against the age-related standards in RE, completion of which will help to form an end of year indicator. The age-related standards are split into the following age groups: 3-5, 5-7, 7-9, 9-11 years old.

Pupils in our school are given regular opportunities apply their learning during discussions and activities focused on the skills outlined in the age-related standards for religious education. During R.E lessons, pupils are able to apply their skills and whilst covering units taught.

Our pupils will understand and use appropriate topic vocabulary alongside key/driver words linked to the age-related standards by which children are assessed e.g. describe, respond, make links, recognise, retell, say and wonder.

Our pupils will be taught to develop skills in three key areas; explore, reveal and respond.

These skills are applied during each of the following units:

SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education) is a fundamental part of all learning that takes place at St Boniface’s. It is embedded throughout everyday life in school. SMSC in R.E focuses on the development of the whole child and their place and role in a greater community. It embodies our Catholic ethos in which the children can grow and develop to their full potential. Within our school, teachers have access to the program Caritas in Action provided by the Diocese of Salford, which provides a unique and engaging set of teaching and learning opportunities for the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching.

We use the ‘Big Questions’ to inspire questions, thoughts and feelings at the beginning and end of each topic. These questions encourage children to develop deeper thinking skills linked to all aspects of religion and beliefs and are used to develop an awareness in our children that sometimes, especially in RE, we don’t have answers to all questions and that is what faith comes from.


Children are able to talk enthusiastically about their knowledge and understanding of religion. Children across the school articulate well about the need to be respectful of different beliefs.
Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, know how people of different religions may express themselves and treat people equally regardless of background or beliefs.
Pupils use acquired vocabulary in lessons. They develop an understanding of their own spirituality and faith but also the need to be respectful and tolerant of others.

Content Note

Parents and carers reserve the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons.